Commissioner for Human Rights

Visit of the Venice Commission in the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights


On September 13, 2024, Deputy Commissioner for Human Rights Wojciech Brzozowski spoke with representatives of the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission) at the CHR Office. The main topic of conversation was a draft law separating the positions of the Minister of Justice and the Prosecutor General. The delegation was led by the Vice Presidents of the Venice Commission, Marta Cartabia and Martin Kuijer.

The delegation came to Poland at the invitation of the Ministry of Justice. The purpose of the visit is to analyze the draft amendments to the Law on the Public Prosecutor's Office, which envisages, among other things, the separation of the positions of Minister of Justice and Prosecutor General. Members of the Commission have been meeting with both representatives of entities involved in the legislative process and those whose activities will be affected by the proposed changes. The visit will result in an opinion of the Venice Commission regarding the proposed changes to the law. Commissioner Brzozowski presented to the Venice Commission delegation key conclusions of the Commissioner's opinion on proposals to amend the Law on Public Prosecutions and answered questions of the delegation.
