The Office
The Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights is an auxiliary unit of the Commissioner for Human Rights. It ensures the execution of the Commissioner’s tasks laid down in the Act of 15 July 1987 on the Commissioner for Human Rights.
The tasks and organisation of the Office are defined in the Statute of the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights, which was granted by the Ordinance No 45/2015 of the Commissioner for Human Rights of 19 November 2015.
The general management of the Office is performed by the Commissioner who manages the Office with the help of three Deputy Commissioners for Human Rights.
Within the Office, the Local Representatives in Gdańsk, Katowice and Wrocław, appointed by the Commissioner, are functioning.
The Office employees act under the authority of the Commissioner for Human Rights and on his behalf.
The functioning of the Office in organisational and financial terms is provided by the General Director. She represents the Office in civil law, property, budget, administrative cases and cases under employment relationship.
The Office includes 26 statutory organisational units, within which departments and sections operate.
In matters requiring comprehensive collaboration of the Office organisational units and third-party entities, the Commisioner appointed Coordinators.
Within the Office, there are also Expert Committees.