Commissioner for Human Rights

Meeting with the Human Rights Defense Center "Spring" - a Belarusian human rights organization


On February 29, 2024, a meeting was held at the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights with representatives of the Human Rights Defense Center "Spring" ( Праваабарончы цэнтр «Вясна»)- a Belarusian organisation focusing on human rights.
Representatives of the Commissioner for Human Rights presented the Commissioner's competences and institutional position. They presented both the most important constitutional and statutory regulations, as well as discussed the Commissioner's mandates arising from international sources. In this context, much attention was paid to the National Prevention Mechanism. The principles and forms of submitting applications to the Commissioner, as well as the procedures in individual cases, were also detailed.
The representatives of the "Spring" presented their current activities and plans for further actions. They also addressed issues significant to Belarusians in Poland. In the conversation, they also provided their assessment of the current state of civil society in Belarus.