Commissioner for Human Rights

Kosovo delegation study visit


On April 10, 2013 a meeting with a delegation from Kosovo was held in the office of the Human Rights Defender. Its purpose was to present the activities of the Ombudsman and its place in the Polish system of human rights protection. Mr. Stanislaw Trociuk, the deputy Ombudsman welcomed the delegation and informed its members about the fundamental powers of the Ombudsman, the office’s structure and its tasks. Representatives from the departments of Preliminary Classification of Requests, National Preventive Mechanism and Criminal Law discussed further issues in detail.

The Kosovo delegation was headed by Ms. Shqipe Ibraj-Mala, the deputy Ombudsman who was accompanied by representatives from the Office of the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Local Government Administration, the Kosovo Rehabilitation Centre for Torture Victims and local NGOs dealing with the protection of human rights in Kosovo.

The meeting held was part of the efforts of the Polish Ombudsman to strengthen the human rights protection system and the exchange of experience with the Western Balkan countries.

The visit was carried out within the framework "Strengthening the protection of human rights in Kosovo", conducted by the European Union, the Council of Europe and the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights. The delegation visited Poland on 9-11 April 2013.