Commissioner for Human Rights

The debate on counteracting hatred and discrimination

Tagi: event

Prof. Irena Lipowicz took part in a panel discussion under the title “The role of the judiciary in counteracting hatred and discrimination”, held on the 4th of November 2014 in the premises of the Auschwitz-Birkenau State

Museum. The event was organized in connection with the upcoming 70th anniversary of the liberation of KZ Auschwitz-Birkenau. Other participants were: the President of the Constitutional Tribunal, the Vice-President of

the Supreme Administrative Court, the Public Prosecutor General of Poland and the Director of the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum. In their statements, they underlined the importance of procedural and political steps in

the fight against all forms of discrimination and intolerance, especially towards ethnic and national minorities. The seminar took place in the presence of over 70 public prosecutors and judges from different regions of Poland

and was live-streamed via the internet. During the conference the Human Rights Defender granted Mr Cywiński with the award “For merit to the human rights protection”. Prof. Lipowicz underlined that Mr Cywiński

contributed to strengthening Poland’s voice in the international debate on the Holocaust. Finally, the ceremony was concluded with a tribute to lawyers who were murdered in KZ Auschwitz.
